Schedule Facebook Posts : Facebook rolled out some new features designed to make your life even easier as a small business marketer. Here’s the scheduling posts. It’s nice to have the ability to schedule within Facebook’s control panel.

Before leaning how to do that, let's have a look at: What are the advantages to scheduling a Facebook post? You need to have a Facebook page. 

1. The time that inspiration strikes you might not coincide with when your audience is on Facebook. So, instead of posting your thoughts immediately, schedule for a more optimal time.

2. Are you planning an event? Create a series of promotional Facebook posts, and schedule them at various times leading up to your event.

3. As you browse the Internet and come across interesting articles, go ahead share with your Facebook followers – but spaced out over time to maintain regular interaction.

How do you go about scheduling a post? It’s quite simple.

1. Schedule Facebook Posts - Visit your Facebook page and enter your post.

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2. Schedule Facebook Posts - Click the small clock icon in the bottom right.

You’ll then have the option of entering the year, month, day and time when you’d like your post to be published.

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3. Schedule Facebook Posts - Finally, click the blue “Schedule” button to queue your post.

If you need to review or change the posts you’ve scheduled, simply go to the top of your page, click “Edit Page” and then click “Use Activity Log.” There, you’ll be able to modify your scheduled posts.

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